Sunday 7 June 2015

And so it begins...

I am exhausted; physically and emotionally drained. Saying goodbye to my beautiful family at the airport was so difficult, as I don't know when I will see them again. Though there was one person who seemed ok about me leaving...

The plane was incredible. It was brand new, huge and very flashy. I'm talking windows that tint at the touch of a button, and a screen in the back of the seat in front showing exactly where the plane was on an interactive map.

James, Jaz and I started the journey in style with complimentary cocktails, and done really good food. After a few hours we got bored messaging other people through the seat chat on the tv screens, snuggled up with blankets and pillows and each watched a different movie. 

We finally touched down at Newark airport at 8pm local time - 1am England time! By the time we had passed through customs, picked up our luggage, got the coach to our hostel in New Jersey, attended the orientation to get information about our onward travel and actually got to bed it was 11:40 USA time; 4:40 in the morning if you're still running on UK time  - not bad when you got up at 8! 

Today is Sunday, and I was up bright and early, ready for my 9am pick up. Thankfully 9am local time meant I could get a much needed full night's sleep. Travelling with me are 3 other people from my camp, Ellie who is leading hiking at Aloha, and Argen and Zofia who are at our brother camp, Lanakila. We were driven into the city where we got a coach that is taking us the 6 hours to Vermont. It's an incredible drive. We've seen the Manhattan skyline, driven through the Bronx, and will pass through New Jersey, New York, Conneticut, Massachusettes, New Hampshire and arrive in Lebanon where we will get a ride to Lake Morey and Camps Aloha, Lanakila and Hive in Vermont.


  1. Get you with your actual jet setting! Larlie looks sad enough for 2!

  2. Miss you my little godbaby. Hope you are having an amazing time xxxx
