Saturday 15 August 2015

Coming to an end

I'm currently in the library at Dartmouth College.  Yes Mom,  you'll be able to say that your daughter went to an Ivy League School. It's the equivalent of England's Oxford or Cambridge. The trick is to walk in like you belong there and nobody will stop you.  Nobody will stop you taking a tour around either if you look interested enough.
It's my final day off before the end of camp. The 2nd half girls leave on Wednesday and then it's clean up before Reunion Weekend. This year marks the 110th year of Camp Aloha and all the girls/women who have ever been at camp have been invited for the weekend. Then there's a further week of different camps,  National Guard, Family amd Dartmouth Hitckcock. And then my time in Vermont is over. Which is sad, but it's time to move on, too much to see to stay anywhere for too long!

I have had so much fun monkeying around. I absolutely love spending my days outdoors, and I feel so at home within the trees. I love how the kids really look up to me when they are climbing - yes,  sometimes literally - but they think the ropes course is the coolest place and that makes me the coolest person!!!

One of the best (but not most comfortable) nights was my tent family overnight. We hiked up the mountain to the treehouse, made a fire and cooked an amazing marshmallow crispy dessert that we ate hot out of the pan. Then we curled up in our sleeping bags and talked ourselves to sleep. It was awesome !!

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