Tuesday 12 April 2016

'And I'm free, free falling'

I have walked this Earth and swum in the oceans, and conquered both land and sea. There was just one more frontier to challenge.

The sky.

On Thursday 7th April I headed up into the air above Mission Beach. The plane was so small I didn't think it would be able to take off. But it did, and then it was too late to back out. The view was amazing as we soared over fields and forests, and then we reached the coast and headed out over the ocean. I could see the Great Barrier Reef below me, and I was so absorbed in looking at it that I forgot what I was about to do.

The fear didn't set in until we reached 14,000ft and the first pair disappeared out of the door. It suddenly hit me that I was about to throw myself out of a plane and I couldn't remember why I ever thought that this was a good idea!! 

After the first terrifying seconds we levelled out and I could take in the phenomenal view. You can't hear anything when you are free falling because the wind is rushing past your ears at 100mph. You feel weightless and finally realise that all those daydreams about flying came nowhere close to the real thing.

It was such an adrenaline rush! I understand now why people do it again and again, why Felix Baumgarter jumped from the edge of space; because it's just not long enough!! The jump lasts maybe 5 minutes, and it doesn't feel real. Half an hour later it was as though it was a scene from a movie, or a dream I'd had once. I'd love to do it again, but I don't think it's possible to top my location. What an incredible thing to do! Highly recommended!

And just for the record, you can't feel clouds. 

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