Wednesday 5 June 2019

Things You Should Know About Bali

  1. It's amazing (lets start with the obvious).
  2. There are rice fields everywhere.
  3. Bali is a volcanic island with 2 active volcanoes, Agung and Batur. I can't speak for Agung but climb Mount Batur and you'll see smoke rising from the crater.
  4. The volcanic-ness of the island means though it does have white sandy beaches it also has a lot of black sand ones that sparkles as though a five year old has been running around with a bucket of glitter.
  5. Ice is government regulated so no dodgy tap water cubes and no Bali belly - unless you drink the tap water of course.
  6. Like most of the countries in the area everyone in Bali wants to give you a massage.
  7. Daily offerings are given to appease the spirits and ward off malevolent ones. This consists of a banana leaf bowl filled with flowers, food and incense.
  8. The monkeys in Bali do not understand the concept of Personal Belongings. If they see you with something - a bottle of water, your phone, sunglasses - they want it. And they'll take it. And it's goodbye phone because they'll bite it til it smashes.
  9. Kopi Luwak, the world's most expensive coffee comes from Indonesia. Apparently (I can't stand coffee) it tastes amazing. Honest. I'm not shitting you...

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