Saturday 9 December 2017

Les Gets ('Luh Jey')

I'm in the Alps and it is insane!!! Where to begin?? Let’s go slow day by day. As if you're snowboarding for the first time in years.

I flew out from Gatwick on Thursday 30th November to Geneva, Switzerland. I travelled with 2 others, Katie who is the Childcare Supervisor and Will the Resort Host for Les Bruyeres resort. I am the Resort Host for Reberty 2000, and all of us will be in an area called Les Meniures in the famous Three Valleys – the largest ski area in the world.

We’re not there yet though.  We’ve been staying in Les Gets, Ski Famille’s first and largest location. For the first night when it was just us and the managers we stayed in Chalet Bacall, but since then we’ve been living in Hotel Chamoise with the rest of the Chalet Host team. I’m sharing a room with my honest soul sister, Clare, from Scootland! I’ll have to find a way to record her saying “Okie dokie” because it’s the best thing I’ve ever heard!!! Clare’s very positive, and after an series of inspirational seminars about being your best self and making the most out of your time we’ve had deep hippie heart to hearts about life the universe and everything.

Anyway, getting off piste, the first day Katie, Will and I were doing our minibus training. There were stupid amounts of snow in Les Gets when we arrived. Nothing at all at the airport, until we started heading up the mountain, and then it was just incredible. So in our training we really got to drive up snowy mountain hairpin bends surrounded by locals doing handbrake turns around corners.
I spent 3 or 4 days in Chalet Bacall doing host training with the rest of the Chalet Staff. The chefs were practicing too so I got to enjoy the whole menu – and here I’m talking breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and a 6 course dinner! We practiced welcome speeches and serving each other and started to get a hang on how things will roll. I also went back to the airport to check out where everything is, the different offices, and even got a backstage tour (felt like a celebrity! or someone on those dodgy airline tv shows) so I think I’m all set for when I pick up the guests. Hot tub training was a good one. Not. Quite a rude woman who didn’t seem to quite know what she was talking about and didn't like it when we tried to make it fun…

We also had teambuilding activities and games – but of course most of the fun stuff happened when I was busy doing other training. I missed the bum boarding and wine tasting, but I did get to join the Winter Olympics where I represented Germany; Seb would be so proud!

The best day by far was today. It was the first day off, and we decided to make the most of it. The snow had melted over the week, but yesterday it came down hard, so the chairlifts were opened for the weekend. As part of my job I get a snowboard and a lift pass included for the whole season, but as the season hasn’t actually started the lifts haven’t opened and besides I’m not in my resort yet. But I figured it was about time to get up close and personal with the mountain so I hired a board and Clare and I brought lift passes. 

There’d been big plans yesterday that loads of people would be ready to go to the ski shop at 9:30 when it opened. But the two of us were the only ones who actually made it to breakfast!

Last night we all had a few drinks. We went to a couple of the local bars, including Bowling Bar which no word of a lie has a bowling alley beside the bar! It was a great night but while we were sensible and left about midnight after a couple of drinks we forgot that the majority of people here are either a) 18 and just here for drinking or b) just here for drinking.

So we had the slopes to ourselves. It was the biggest adrenaline rush I’ve had in so long. I think it’s been about 8 or 9 years since I last snowboarded and I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. We said we’d do it slowly together, but when I turned around on the button lift I saw Clare disappearing at the bottom of the slope having failed to figure it out – to be fair we should have started on a simple chairlift… I ended up at the top of the mountain by myself with the knowledge that I had to somehow get myself down…

But it’s like riding a bike.

# destroyed

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