Wednesday 3 January 2018

Reberty 2000

I’ve been at my resort for almost a month now. It’s in a small village called Reberty in Les Menuires, part of the Savoie region. I live in a tiny ‘apartment’ with one of our chefs, Murren, from Gurnsey, and Haley, one of the childcare team. I say apartment but it’s actually just 2 bedrooms joined by a tiny bathroom. Our lounge/kitchen is 100m down the street – which is great for getting a cup of tea in the middle of a blizzard like right now…

We have 3 chalets here, Eva, Katie 1 and Katie 2 which all sleep between 11 and 17 guests. I haven't got any good photos of them but you can click on the names to see them. My job as the Resort Host is to make sure everything is running smoothly. I test and maintain the hot tubs, sort out ski hire, make sure the chalets have everything they need, help out with the kids, do any odd jobs, fill in where I’m needed and shovel A LOT of snow. I start at 7am until around 1pm and then get a few hours free before I’m back to work at 4pm where I host in chalet Katie 2. I work with the chef Joe to set up and serve kids tea and a 3 course meal for the adults with prosecco and canapés. It involves A LOT of washing up. I usually finish around 10pm.

In between snow shovelling and washing up I try and get out on the mountain as much as possible. I’ll snowboard every day unless the conditions are bad like right now or I really need to sleep, or sometimes I just don’t have time to stop.


I’m sitting at 2000m above sea level. Coming from Dorset which is at sea level is a big difference. Last week I got hit with altitude sickness. After boarding down the mountain to a small town nearby all of a sudden I just couldn’t stand up any more. I went really dizzy and weak and when I sat down with my friend to get some food I couldn’t eat anything. I went to bed and slept for the next 3 days.

Transfer Day Trauma

I didn’t get up until 5am on Saturday to take the guests back to the airport and pick up the new ones. This week’s transfer, with week 2’s guests leaving and week 3’s arriving was dramatic and stressful and at times pretty horrific…

It usually takes about 3 hours to get to Geneva airport but we left early because of a huge snowstorm on Friday night. The bus had snowchains on the tires and we travelled at about 10kmph down the mountain through heavy snow. I got a call from Josh, my manager, who told me that a guest from another company had put their bag on our bus by mistake and could I get it off and leave it somewhere nearby as they were travelling to a different airport – not possible as we were running late and I already had nervous passengers. We arrived just in time before check in closed.

But no time to breathe. Mad dash over to terminal 2 to meet the new guests and warn them that we’re looking at a double long journey because of the weather conditions and the fact that everybody in the Alps is on the move on a Saturday. 30,000 cars were expected to be on the road. With only 1 café and at least an hour long que of everyone stocking up for a long journey we decide to stop en route for supplies.

We did stop. But not for sandwiches. 

We were gridlocked on the freeway for 2 hours. I’m alone on the coach with 24 people, half of whom are bored and tired children, the other half are bored and tired adults. I got a phonecall from the director of the company to say the road between us and the mountain was closed because of an avalanche and he’d booked us all into a hotel for the night. A hotel an hour in the wrong direction. Cue very frustrated guests. Most of them were great and very understanding but there were some who would not be appeased.

Eventually we managed to get off the freeway – luckily we’d been near an off ramp – and drove to Grenoble to our hotel. Which we couldn’t find. The driver had never been to Grenoble before and inner city one way streets with a coach is never simple. When we finally found it the barrier into the car park was too low for the bus and we had to drive around the block before we could pull in beside it. And thankfully, yes they’d got a booking for Ski Famille! Relief.

Or not.

As I’m helping unpack cases from the coach I get told our booking is not right. The guy at reception says the Ski Famille booking contains 54 names which are not ours and he doesn’t have another list. I have everyone pushing up behind me trying to find out what is going on and no one who might have any idea what has happened is answering their phone.

So not a great situation…

Then Will turns up. He does the same job as me in another of our resorts, Bruyeres, just a bit down the mountain, and he’s got 52 guests plus a bus driver. The booking is his. But he’s able to tell me that my booking is under the company director’s name. How the receptionist didn’t figure out that his booking for 26 people was for the big crowd of people in his lobby is beyond me. And then the rooms we had were only 4 people rooms, not great for families with 3 kids. There was no restaurant there, only a McDonalds in the closed mall down the street, and McDonald’s in France don’t serve anything vegetarian, so it was just fries for tea.

Next morning we left at 6am. The road had been cleared and there was no traffic so we were able to race to the resort. We were too early to find anywhere open for breakfast so stomachs were growling and throats were seriously dry as we finally arrived in resort at 8:30. I was able to take everybody up to Ski Set our hire shop and get them kitted out with skis and snowboards and they got on the slopes for 11am. Success. Nailed it. Phew…


Christmas Day was a lot of fun. We all took an hour to head up the mountain together. Bruyere staff joined us too, and we drank Prosecco from the bottle before skiing/boarding down in a group 20 strong. It was a beautiful sunny day and there was fresh powder on the slopes. It was perfect.

So life here is good. Even though the days are long and exhausting. It gets a bit monotonous and it often feels quite futile. I shovel snow and clear paths and balconies and by the time I’ve finished they’re covered again. But it’s all worth it when I get up on the mountain. It’s so stunningly beautiful sitting up above the clouds with the sun shining down on my face.

The snow is really coming in now! We’ve had about 50cm in the last couple of days and it’s only going to get deeper…

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