Monday 22 April 2019

Things You Should Know About Cambodia

  1. There are A Lot of tuktuks. Be prepared to say "no thank you" on average 500 times per day. Or buy a t-shirt that says NO TUKTUK though I doubt they actually work.
  2. You can also get t-shirts for No Massage because like all SEA countries every third store is a massage parlour or spa and every member of staff is waiting outside to hand you flyers and drag you in.
  3. Cambodian currency is crazy. There are no coins, only notes. You pay in US Dollars and receive small change (anything less than $1) in Cambodian Riel. 2000 Riel = 50 Cent.
  4. The majority of the population is under 30 due to the horrific Khmer Rouge genocide in the 1970s. 50% of the population is under 15.
  5. The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum on the site of the S21 prison is harrowing. You should definitely visit it to understand what happened there (although I don't think it's possible to understand!), but it will be difficult. And the Killing Fields even more so. 
  6. On a lighter note, King Norodom Sihamoni is a former ballet dancer. This made me so happy when I found out. =]
  7. Angkor Wat is the biggest religious structure ever built. It's grounds extend over 500 acres.
  8. Angkor Wat, often touted as the 8th Wonder of the World, is so crucial to Cambodian culture they named their national beer after it. 
  9. It also features on the Cambodian flag, the only country in the world to display a building on it's flag.
  10. Tarantualas are a popular snack here. 
  11. Once again there are no road rules. Choose whichever side of the road you like to drive on and stop in the middle of the street if you fancy it.
  12. The Tonle Sap lake is pretty cool. In the dry season it flows out into the Mekong while in the wet season the river changes direction and flows back into the lake. Sometimes the Tonle Sap is the largest lake in Asia, sometimes it's just another average sized lake.
  13. It is rude to point the soles of your feet towards someone.
  14. Cambodia currently has the worlds highest rate of deforestation at 2000 sq km per year.

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