Tuesday 9 April 2019

Things You Should Know About Thailand

  1. There are lots of ornate and intricately decorative temples. Lots and lots. And then some more.
  2. There are even more ornate and intricately decorative shrines than there are temples. Each house has one, and each park, and alcove in the street. 
  3. You don't wear shoes inside.
  4. When you are driving whichever lane you are in has the right of way. 
  5. It is HOT! Imagine that feeling when you get in a bath that's too hot; it's heavenly for 30 seconds and then your insides start to boil.
  6. There's larger than life pictures of the king on every street, bordered by huge ornate gold frames.
  7. Many roads are 3 - 4 lanes wide. And you can go any direction from any lane. Don't know if you're supposed to, but everyone does.
  8. It really doesn't matter which side of the road you're driving on. On corners it matters even less.
  9. There is a McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks on every touristy street. Sometimes two.
  10. Get off the tourist trail and you'll struggle to find English speakers. You will however develop your mime skills into a fine art.
  11. Monks are forbidden to touch a women. Don't sit next to one on the bus.
  12. It appears that everybody and their dog is competing in the How-Many-People-Can-You-Fit-On-A-Moped contest. 
  13. The north is currently to most polluted place in the world. 

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